Teresa Antignani (Isernia, 1991) graduated in painting in Brera Fine Art Academy with Master Alberto Garutti and continued her studies in Sociology in Rome. She live and work between Milan and the province of Caserta focusing on socio-political issues capable of corroborating her experimental theses on the adorned “authoritarian personality”. She uses various types of waste materials, fabrics with which she creates large tapestries and paper mache referring to the baroque aesthetic, the politics of waste, the sacred and the tragic typical of certain cultural expressions of southern Italy. She collaborate with the photographer Sara Terracciano on the “Martyrion” project, which tells about the environmental havoc in Campania region through artistic action, activism and protest in defense of the territory.
She participated in Corpi (non) sul palco (Bodies (not) on stage) with a live streaming performance from the Presenzano thermoelectric plant, in the province of Caserta.